Monday, February 18, 2008

Pro-Life Group Painted As "Racist"

Pro-Abortion Magazine “The Nation” Paints Worldwide Pro-Life Group as Racist

worldwide, birthrates have declined by 50% in the last half-century.

With a birthrate of 1.3 -- a rate of 2.1 is necessary to replace a population and higher to grow it -- the groups says Europe is in serious trouble.

“But so are Africa, Asia and the Middle East – a phenomenon to which we regularly refer. While still at above replacement level, one of the greatest declines in fertility has been in Iran,”the group explained, showing that underpopulation doesn't just threaten majority Caucasion nations.

So now being concerned about birthrates for caucasians is considered racist by the left? Typical abuse of language to try and demonize pro-lifers by those who condone murdering innocents.

Here's the link to the actual article in "The Nation" written by Kathryn Joyce. Warning: article contains profanity.

Also mentioned in her article is "Demographic Winter", which is a look at the decline of families.

Let's not forget the founder of the modern eugenics movement, Margaret Sanger. Some of her own words here.

Doing a quick search at the PP website, I came up with this:

Sanger's Outreach to the African-American Community

Harlem — 1930
In 1930, Sanger opened a family planning clinic in Harlem that sought to enlist support for contraceptive use and to bring the benefits of family planning to women who were denied access to their city's health and social services. Staffed by a black physician and black social worker, the clinic was endorsed by The Amsterdam News (the powerful local newspaper), the Abyssinian Baptist Church, the Urban League, and the black community's elder statesman, W.E.B. DuBois (Chesler, 1992).

Negro Project — 1939-1942
Beginning in 1939, DuBois served on the advisory council for Sanger's "Negro Project," which was designed to serve African Americans in the rural South. The advisory council called it a "unique experiment in race-building and humanitarian service to a race subjected to discrimination, hardship, and segregation (Chesler, 1992)."

In a letter to philanthropist Albert Lasker, from whom she hoped to raise funds for the project, Sanger wrote that she wanted to help

a group notoriously underprivileged and handicapped to a large measure by a 'caste' system that operates as an added weight upon their efforts to get a fair share of the better things in life. To give them the means of helping themselves is perhaps the richest gift of all. We believe birth control knowledge brought to this group, is the most direct, constructive aid that can be given them to improve their immediate situation (Sanger, 1939, July).

In 1942, she wrote again to Lasker, saying

I think it is magnificent that we are in on the ground floor, helping Negroes to control their birth rate, to reduce their high infant and maternal death rate, to maintain better standards of health and living for those already born, and to create better opportunities for those who will be born (Sanger, 1942).

Other leaders of the African-American community who were involved in the project included Mary McLeod Bethune, founder of the National Council of Negro Women, and Adam Clayton Powell Jr., pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem.

The Negro Project was also endorsed by prominent white Americans who were involved in social justice efforts at this time, including Eleanor Roosevelt, the most visible and compassionate supporter of racial equality in her era; and the medical philanthropists, Albert and Mary Lasker, whose financial support made the project possible (Chesler, 1992).

Division of Negro Service — 1940-1943
Sanger's Birth Control Federation of America, which became Planned Parenthood Federation of American in 1942, established a Division of Negro Service to oversee the Negro Project and to implement Sanger's educational outreach to African Americans nationally. Sponsored by Sanger's fundraising efforts and directed by Florence Rose, the division provided black organizations across the country with Planned Parenthood literature, set up local educational exhibits, facilitated local and national public relations, and employed an African-American doctor, Mae McCarroll, to lobby medical groups and teach contraceptive techniques to other black doctors.

Martin Luther King Jr.
In 1966, the year Sanger died, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. said

There is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger's early efforts. . . . Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by nonviolent direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her (King, 1966).

It goes on further to try and paint Sanger in some kind of positive light, how she was "helping" the African American community, and has been misquoted by those who didn't agree with her, especially pro-lifers. See a pattern here?

From rosaryfilms:

The pages in question in the rosaryfilms video are available at Google Books.

Pro-lifers are being portrayed as "racist villains" by the left, by making the claims we are only concerned about white birth rates, then go on to further demonize us by stating we lie about Margaret Sanger. The educated will see right through their lies. It's those who don't understand the pro-death/eugenics/euthanasia lobby that will be duped by them (through no fault of their own, I should say). This should wake them up.