Monday, February 18, 2008

Bill Clinton Lashes Out at Pro-Life Advocates During Ohio Stop for Hillary

Article here

From one student:

Billy Valentine, one of the Franciscan University of Steubenville students who helped organize the protest, told that he was surprised Clinton would go to Steubenville after hundreds of students told John Kerry he was wrong on supporting abortion.

“Perhaps national Democrats will finally realize that they can't take the heat from Steubenville pro-life students," he said.

"I have been amazed by the stupidity of these pro-abortion Democrats who think they can come campaign anywhere near Steubenville, especially after the utter embarrassment John Kerry went through in 2004 when he came here,” he added.

And from Clinton himself:

Later, Clinton said Hillary should become the Democratic nominee because she will stand up to pro-life advocates.

“This is not your rally. I heard you. That's another thing you need is a president, somebody who will stick up for individual rights and not be pushed around, and she won't,” he said.

No one ever said the Clintons were intelligent. Then again, no one ever said this crop of Democrats was intelligent.